Thursday, January 14, 2010

Featured Speaker: Marilyn Thomas

Marilyn Thomas is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin in Madison with a B.S. in Nursing.  After a career in public health nursing, health education, and medical sales, she and her husband became the parents of two gifted children, one of whom also has a learning disability.  She has been the president of the PAGE Affiliate in Lancaster County—the Lancaster County PArtners for Gifted Education (LC PAGE) since 2005.   In the fall of 2008 she helped to establish a parent support/advocacy group in her own school district known as the Hempfield Partners for Exceptional Children (HPEC).  She has presented at local affiliate meetings throughout Central PA, at previous PAGE Conferences, and at the national level at the annual Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates (COPAA) Conference in Washington, DC.  She has recently been a member of the Chapter 16 stakeholders' group and was the 2008 PAGE Parent of the Year.

Join Mrs. Thomas at the conference where she will present the workshop Myths about Gifted Education and Gifted Children: A Reality Check and will co-present the session Advocating for the Gifted Child: Working with School Personnel with PAGE Past President and former school administrator Dr. David Mason.

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