Thursday, January 14, 2010

Featured Speaker: Franny McAleer

Franny McAleer has several degrees in education, curriculum, supervision, and administration and taught in the classroom for over thirty years.  She is presently on the faculties of Indiana University of Pennsylvania as well as Wilkes, Chapman, Waynesburg, and Duquesne Universities. She has taught professional development courses for the Pennsylvania Department of Education for over twenty years.  She also developed and supervised educational programs throughout the United States in the areas of differentiating instruction, creativity, career planning, gifted and talented education, and restructuring America's high schools.  Ms. McAleer has authored 20 books as well as numerous magazine and journal articles.  She has served as PAGE president and has also been the Regional President of the Pennsylvania Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (PASCD), She is a member of various advisory boards, promoting educational practices that teach students to use their minds well and talents creatively.  She also facilitates gifted education reviews for districts wanting to improve their gifted programs.  For more information about Ms. McAleer, visit

At this year's PAGE conference, Ms. McAleer will be presenting the workshop Out of This World with Six Hats: A Leadership Tool for the 21st Century and will be serving on the panel The Top Five Fundamentals of Gifted Education along with Dr. Jeanne Van Briesen of Carnegie Mellon University, teacher of the gifted Charlton Wolfgang, and 2009 PAGE Parent of the Year Julie Krause.  In addition, Ms. McAleer will also be coordinating a course for graduate credit revolving around this year's conference.  If you are interested in earning graduate credit for your conference participation visit Learners Link.

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