Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Featured Speaker: Dr. Mary Ann Swiatek

Mary Ann Swiatek, Ph.D., has been doing research on giftedness since exploring the topic of acceleration in a library research project as an undergraduate in the late 1980s.  She graduated from Oberlin College with honors in Psychology and immediately went on to Iowa State University, from which she received her M.S. and Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology.  While at Iowa State, she was fortunate to work with Dr. Camilla Benbow and the Study of Mathematically Precocious Youth (SMPY).  Since receiving her doctorate, she has worked as a college professor at SUNY Fredonia and Lafayette College, and as a Research Specialist with C-MITES.  Currently, she is a psychologist at KidsPeace, a large psychiatric facility for children and adolescents.  She is a past member of the PAGE Board and continues to be an active member of the PAGE Speakers Bureau.  Her interests focus on academic acceleration and social coping among gifted students, but she regularly speaks on other topics related to giftedness, as well.

Join Dr. Swiatek for her breakout sessions Gender and Giftedness, Ability Grouping: Helpful or Harmful?, and Questions and Answers about Academic Acceleration.

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