Saturday, December 5, 2009

Featured Speaker: Linda Deal

Linda Deal has been an advocate for gifted students in a variety of formats for almost 30 years.  As an educator, she earned her masters in Gifted Education from Millersville University in 1991 and is currently a part-time instructor in that program.  She also works with elementary gifted students and accelerated math students in the Penn Manor District.  In 2005, she received the Educator of the Year Award from PAGE and currently serves on the PAGE Board and the Pennsylvania Office of Dispute Resolution Stakeholders Panel. In addition, Linda is the author of the book The Boredom Solution: Understanding and Dealing with Boredom (Dandy Lion Publications).  Her greatest joy, however, has come from parenting two gifted sons and spending time with her gifted grandchildren.

Join Linda at the PAGE conference where she will present the breakout sessions Perfectionism in Gifted Students: Bonus or Burden?, Creativity: A Gift to Be Fostered, and Due Process: Views from the Sides.

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