Sunday, December 6, 2009

Featured Speaker: Dr. Victoria Damiani

Dr. Victoria Damiani is professor of educational and school psychology at Indiana University of Pennsylvania and former director of the IUP Center for Gifted Education. She holds a doctoral degree in school psychology from the College of William and Mary and is a nationally certified school psychologist. Her research interests include gifted education, counseling/crisis intervention, and families of exceptional children. Dr. Damiani is author of Crisis prevention and intervention in the classroom: What teachers should know (2006). She has done numerous presentations in gifted education with special emphasis on social/emotional issues, underachievement, and improvement of family-school relations. She was cited by the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette in 2004 as an educator making a significant impact in Western Pennsylvania and is a past president of the Association of School Psychologists of Pennsylvania.

Join Dr. Damiani on Friday, April 23rd, for the panel session Questions and Answers about Gifted Programs (also featuring Dr. Karen Rogers and Dr. Ann Lupkowski Shoplik) and on Saturday, April 24th, for the concurrent session Understanding Your Child's Assessment: What Those Tests Really Tell You.

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