Saturday, February 20, 2010

Concurrent Sessions - Friday, April 23rd - Session A (10:00-11:00)

Do Australians Do It Better? An Outsider’s Perspective on Education “Down Under”
Presented by Dr. Karen Rogers
Strand: Programming and Services

The Price of Achievement
Presented by Andy Mahoney
Strand: Counseling and Guidance

Collected Wisdom: Reflections from Three Neuber-Pregler Award Winners
Presented by Ted Davis, Dr. David Mason, and Dr. Ann Lupkowski Shoplik
Strand: Foundations of Gifted Education

You Have the Right to Extend, Enrich and Challenge!
Presented by Janet Aaker Smith
Strand: Curriculum and Instruction

Gifted ABCs: An Overview of Gifted Education Terminology

Presented by J.J. Baker
Strand: Foundations of Gifted Education

A Private School’s Journey with Gifted Education
Presented by Kathy Dunlop and Susan Feguson
Strand: Programming and Services

Goal Setting and the Gifted Student: Using Interdisciplinary Enrichment Units to Address and Monitor Students’ GIEP Goals
Presented by Elizabeth Santucci, Kathleen Clark, Stefania Davidse, and Maureen Stanko
Strand: Programming and Services

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