Thursday, September 10, 2009

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Jean Peterson

Dr. Jean Sunde Peterson, professor and coordinator of school counselor preparation at Purdue University, was a classroom teacher for many years and was involved in teacher education prior to graduate work in counseling at The University of Iowa. A licensed mental health counselor with considerable experience counseling gifted youth and their families, she conducts school-based workshops on academic underachievement, cultural values as related to identification for special programs, prevention-oriented school counseling, listening skills for teachers, and social and emotional development of high-ability students-all of these related to her practitioner-oriented research. She is author of The Essential Guide to Talking with Gifted Teens and co-editor of Models of Counseling Gifted Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults, among over 80 publications. She is currently a member of NAGC’s Board of Directors and formerly was chair of the organization’s Counseling and Guidance Division.

Join us on Saturday, April 24, 2010, to hear Dr. Peterson's keynote address, Social and Emotional Concerns: Essential for Advocacy. Dr. Peterson will then present two additional sessions: Bullying of and by Gifted Students and Parenting Gifted Kids: A Counselor's Perspective.

Look for Dr. Peterson's recent article, "The Role of Teachers When Gifted Students Experience Negative Life Events," in the next issue of UPDATE, PAGE's quarterly newsletter.

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