Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Half-Day Sessions

The following 3-hour sessions are being offered on Thursday, April 22nd.

The Challenges of Parenting and Teaching Gifted Children
Presented by Andy Mahoney, Counselor of the Gifted

This session will include a discussion of some of the unique concerns for gifted children, their parents, and their teachers. We will discuss what it means for a child to be gifted and what it means to be a parent or teacher of a gifted child. We will focus on the needs of gifted children in educational, social-emotional, and developmental areas. The workshop will also explore the identity formation of the gifted child. How a well formed gifted identity impacts learning and the development of gifted ability, and how parents and teachers can foster a healthy productive identity for the gifted child.

This session will be offered from 8:30 A.M. - 11:30 A.M.

Developing Mathematical Talent
Presented by Dr. Ann Lupkowski Shoplik, Director and Founder of C-MITES

Mathematically talented students need a program that is different from the regular school math program. That’s common sense, but how do we do it?  In this practical session, learn how to set up a comprehensive, systematic program for students who are exceptionally talented in math. Discover how to modify the regular program for the students, and develop an understanding of the Pyramid of Educational Options for gifted children.  The Diagnostic Testing -> Prescriptive Instruction model is the backbone of this process; students are tested to determine their level of ability and achievement in mathematics, and instruction is tailored to their individual needs.  This practical model has been used in full-scale school district programs as well as for individual students in supplementary programs.  Whether you are a parent looking for options for your individual child or a gifted coordinator looking for ways to challenge your students systematically, this session will help you meet the needs of your students. Case studies of individual students and sample exemplary programs will illustrate the steps of the process.  Curriculum resources will be described and other resources for establishing a program (such as sample letters) will be included.

This session will be offered from 12:30 P.M. - 3:30 P.M.

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